31 enero, 2015
Studies that have analyzed the implementation of artistic education in the classroom have revealed that the most potent effects are found in those programs that are fully integrated into the subjects of the curriculum and that when this occurs, multiple benefits related to learning Students and their behavior. Rabkin and Redmond (2004) have identified the most significant:
There is a greater emotional commitment of the students in the classroom.
Students work more actively and learn from each other.
Cooperative learning groups turn classes into learning communities.
Learning is facilitated in all subjects through the arts.
Teachers collaborate more and have higher expectations about their students.
The curriculum becomes more real by relying on project learning.
The evaluation is more reflexive and varied.
Families get more involved.
From the neuroeducational perspective, we are especially interested in three essential factors for learning that the arts can improve:
* The memory* The emotions* The creativity
Brain neuroimaging reveals some indications of why artistic activities are so important. Thus, for example, it is known that certain structures of the auditory cortex only respond to musical tones, that an important part of the brain and cerebellum is involved in the coordination of all kinds of movements, such as in dance, that in theatrical recreations regions of the brain specialized in oral language that are connected to the limbic system provide us with the emotional component or, referred to the visual arts, that our visual processing system generates real or fictitious images with the same ease (Sousa, 2011).
It cannot be denied that artistic activities are rooted in the development of the human being since birth and that they constitute a natural brain reward necessary for learning. Because the practice of any of the artistic manifestations is associated with an emotional component that motivates us and allows us to contemplate the world around us from a different, more aesthetic, deeper perspective. Artistic Education is essential because it allows students to acquire a series of basic socio-emotional skills for their personal development and that, in addition, make them happier. And that is true learning, which prepares them for life. The human brain, which is a complex organ in continuous restructuring, appreciates the challenges and needs art.
Student: Mariana Castro
Great article! Thank you for your contribution. I invite your classmates to comment on it!