Specialists in the field recommend establishing equality plans in the centers and training teachers in coeducation
Working on gender equality from school, especially with children in Infant and Primary Education,
can help eliminate gender-related stereotypes and, consequently, prevent situations of sexist
discrimination in the future.
Change gender stereotypes from early childhood: There are several studies that attempt to explain
how gender stereotypes are acquired during childhood and how they can be avoided.
Social learning theorists consider these to be behavior patterns learned through direct and indirect
experience, and observation.
But when do children begin to acquire these gender stereotypes?
The study Attitude in children and adults on gender stereotypes in children's toys (2008) reveals that
both girls and boys between 3 and 7 years old already relate toys with their gender influenced by
traditional and gender factors acquired in the family, school and through the media. The conclusions
of this research, carried out by academics of the University of Granada, indicate that it is necessary to
promote the training of educators towards gender equality, since their contribution in the classroom is
the best way to start eliminating sexist content in Our culture.
Therefore, specialists in the field consider that the role of the education system and teachers, as well
as the family, is essential for the transmission of values of respect, tolerance and equality between
women and men. Most agree that it is necessary to help school children to reflect and offer them
strategies that allow them to prevent or or eradicate inequality and, therefore, gender violence from
its intimate, personal and social environment.
In Primary and especially in Early Childhood Education, students have a great receptivity when it
comes to learning, so they are the ideal stages for children to assimilate egalitarian behavior patterns.
Center policies based on co-education and equality plans:
Establishing coeducation as a pedagogical proposal of the center constitutes the most valuable
educational policy to educate in gender equity from school, according to the participants in this
monograph. In coeducation, training and education are given on equal terms for both sexes and
there is no limit to the learning of each of them. "The coeducational school aims to eliminate gender
stereotypes overcoming social inequalities and cultural hierarchies between girls and boys," according
to the Coeducation Guide: Synthesis on Education for Equal Opportunities between Women and
Men (2008), of the Women's Institute.
It is therefore necessary that in the educational environment work on co-education and co-responsibility
from an early age and at all educational levels, according to specialists. This requires the involvement
of the entire educational community of the center and implement among all its members a coeducational
project of the entire school.
The process to carry out an equality plan consists of three main phases that can be implemented
consecutively: the diagnosis of gender equality in the educational center, the design and implementation
of the equality plan and the monitoring and evaluation of the same.
The sources investigated for this report and the participants in this monograph agree to carry out center
policies such as the following:
Include the equality of women and men in the educational project of the center, in curricular programming and in the assignment of responsibilities and spaces. Perform regular training for teachers in coeducation and strategies to promote gender equality education. Select school materials, textbooks, pedagogical resources and non-sexist educational projects, as well as work on contents that promote equality values, such as songs, books, references and models that contribute to offering a new vision and more in line with equality between the sexes. Stipulate that teachers avoid treating boys and girls in class differently according to their gender and motivate them to participate equally in classroom tasks and share responsibilities in the same way. Encourage in class and outside games and toys neutral, cooperative and shared. It would be necessary to establish, as a center policy, that the courtyards be coeducational, that is, that they have three well-differentiated spaces: a quiet play area, another of movement and psychomotor skills, and another of experimentation with nature. Collaborate with families and train them to provide guidelines and criteria to practice at home to avoid sexist stereotypes.
All of this must entail a comprehensive plan in each center in which families are also involved, as well
as the different agents involved in education, teachers and management teams. Thus, educating in
equality from early childhood in schools is a task that falls to both the management team of educational
centers, teachers, administrations, families and society as a whole.
Include the equality of women and men in the educational project of the center, in curricular programming and in the assignment of responsibilities and spaces. Perform regular training for teachers in coeducation and strategies to promote gender equality education. Select school materials, textbooks, pedagogical resources and non-sexist educational projects, as well as work on contents that promote equality values, such as songs, books, references and models that contribute to offering a new vision and more in line with equality between the sexes. Stipulate that teachers avoid treating boys and girls in class differently according to their gender and motivate them to participate equally in classroom tasks and share responsibilities in the same way. Encourage in class and outside games and toys neutral, cooperative and shared. It would be necessary to establish, as a center policy, that the courtyards be coeducational, that is, that they have three well-differentiated spaces: a quiet play area, another of movement and psychomotor skills, and another of experimentation with nature. Collaborate with families and train them to provide guidelines and criteria to practice at home to avoid sexist stereotypes.
All of this must entail a comprehensive plan in each center in which families are also involved, as well
as the different agents involved in education, teachers and management teams. Thus, educating in
equality from early childhood in schools is a task that falls to both the management team of educational
centers, teachers, administrations, families and society as a whole.
https://www.educaweb.com/noticia/2018/06/26/propuestos-educar-igualdad-genero-educacion-infantil-primaria-18509/ Recovered 08/08/2019 - 21:02. Bosada, M. Posted on 06/26/2018
Student: Nahidín Medina.
Me parece muy interesante el tema abordado ya que es algo que la sociedad actual está demandando y exigiendo.
ResponderBorrarExiten diferentes movimientos por los que se lucha día a día, creo que llegar a una verdadera igualdad sería lo ideal (en todo aspecto).
Sabemos que es muy dificil lograrlo pero nosotros formando parte del sistema educativo tenemos una voz muy importante a la hora de generar o "inculcar" valores. Por lo que si todos ponemos un granito de arena podemos llegar a mucho, mostrar diferentes maneras de ver el mundo es muy importante, siempre desde el respeto, ya sea por el pensamiento del otro como por hacer respetar nuestro propio pensamiento.
"Todos somos distintos e iguales"
Marcela Ruiz Díaz: Remarco la importancia de una familia comprometida y apoyando a las instituciones educativas en estos temas, porque si no es así, a los niños se les genera una confusión enorme, en la escuela le dicen una cosa y en la casa el ejemplo es otro.
ResponderBorrarPero comparto con Natalie, que nosotros como futuros educadores, tenemos una labor muy grande en perspectiva de género.
Considero que está muy relacionado con la educación en empatía, mostrarle al alumnos que el otro es también una persona, sea del sexo que sea, y se merece respeto.
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ResponderBorrarCristina Tejera: Es excelente lo que plantea el texto. Con respecto a la edad de los niños en etapa escolar, es el mejor momento para derribar todas estas barreras que generan tantas diferencias. Si queremos un futuro con igualdad hay que empezar a trabajar con ellos. Este año, tuve la oportunidad de trabajar en una secuencia sobre igualdad de género en la escuela con un quinto año y surgieron cosas hermosas.
ResponderBorrarCuando empezamos con la secuencia, eran un grupo que siempre estaban peleando por diferencias de género, había rivalidad para compartir los lugares, para jugar a lo mismo, etc., pero al terminarla eran otros. Realizamos juegos en duplas (niña-niño) y luego los analizamos viendo que todos podíamos hacer lo mismo, ya que el tema de los juegos de nenas y nenes era un problema del recreo. También analizamos diferentes publicidades y los niños reconocieron que los estereotipos son creados por la sociedad, que desde pequeños se les estableció como debían vestirse o a qué jugar. Luego de todo lo trabajado, se propusieron revertir estos estereotipos.Fue una linda experiencia.
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ResponderBorrarThank you for sharing a text that deals with a topic that is so relevant today. Thank you for the comments!